Client device pixel ratio in graph and table

Number of unique device pixel ratio found : 9
Total logged visits for the period: 77
Log period analyzed: 30 days
Device Pixel Ratio = Screen device pixels / Screen CSS pixels (in vertical direction).
The Pixel Ratio depends both on the screen pixel density and the set zoom level in the browser.
A device with a screen pixel density of 1.00 and an adjusted zoom-level in browser of 110% gives a pixel ratio value = 1.10. You can see live screen data of your device at the end of this web page.
Window.devicePixelRatio (

Top 10 client device pixel ratios, viewed in a pie chart

Top 10 Device pixel ratio

Sorted on: Pixel Ratio
Rank Pixel Ratio Frequency
1 3.15
1  (1.3%)
2 3.00
17  (22%)
3 2.00
16  (21%)
4 1.88
1  (1.3%)
5 1.75
1  (1.3%)
6 1.38
1  (1.3%)
7 1.25
8  (10%)
8 1.00
31  (40%)
9 .90
1  (1.3%)
Sorted on: Frequency
Rank Pixel Ratio Frequency
Cumulative freq.
1 1.00
31  (40%)
2 3.00
17  (22%)
3 2.00
16  (21%)
4 1.25
8  (10%)
5 3.15
1  (1.3%)
6 1.88
1  (1.3%)
7 1.75
1  (1.3%)
8 1.38
1  (1.3%)
9 .90
1  (1.3%)

Your screen and browser sizes (live):

Your device type by MobileDetect:
Laptop / Desktop
MobileDetection time 18.745 (ms), Code load time: 0.144 (ms)

Your device type by Matomo/Piwik:

Your device type by via Google:

PhpTrackIT Core Plugin - Client Scrn Pixel Ratio, Version 1.0, 2017
Copyright © 2017 Bosse at

Visa BesöksStatistik:

Loggat av: PhpTrackIT
(max 1 besök loggas per 0.5 hr per unik besökare¹ och webbsida)

Hela webbplatsen:
- Webbsidor¹ senaste 30 dygnen: 85 av personer² & 1006 av robotar²
- Webbsidor¹ senaste 24hr: 3 av personer² & 27 av robotar²

- Unika besökare¹ senaste 24hr: 2 personer², 20 robotar²
- Webbsidor per unik besökare senaste 24hr: 1.5/person², 1.4/robot²

- Unika besökare¹ senaste 30 dygnen: 51 personer², 332 robotar²
- Webbsidor per unik besökare senaste 30 dygnen: 1.7/person², 3.0/robot²

- Snitt senaste 30 dygnen (webbsidor/24hr): 3 av personer² & 34 av robotar²
- Snitt senaste 30 dygnen (unika besökare/24hr): 1.7 personer² & 11.1 robotar²
- Robotar utgör 92.2% av besöken senaste 30 dygnen

- Max webbsidor/24hr: 62 av personer, 2022-01-22
- Max unika besökare/24hr: 35 personer, 2022-01-22
- Max webbsidor/30dygn: 244 av personer, 2022-02-18
- Max unika besökare/30dygn: 144 personer, 2022-02-18
  Max statistik loggad sedan: 2021-08-13

- Server time uses for PhpTrackIT logging:
- Primary log: 175.8 ms (log time part affecting webpage load time)
- Secondary log: XXX ms (asynchronous log time not affecting webpage load time)
- Ping time (Server-Browser-Server Internet round-trip time, via Php/Ajax): XXX ms
- ServertimeThis: 0.4 (ms), inclusive Includetime: 0.2 (ms)

¹ Enligt en anonym unik virtuell besökare algoritm (UVV, Unique Virtual Visitor).
² Enligt en robot-igenkännande algorithm som effektivt skiljer på robot- och person-besök.


Contact about the viewed logged statistic tracks, see at site:

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Copyright © 2005-2023 Bosse at
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Client Scrn Pixel Ratio
 Webpage, Server time: 207 ms, of that Plugin: 29 ms ||